Cinematic adventures
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The Best of the Best on the Top
There have been many portrayals of the President of the United States. Some are based on actual presidents, while others are a custom creation. They make us laugh and cry, fight and survive. Here is a quick look at some of the best in the business....the business of being President.
President Tom Beck - Deep Impact (Portrayed by Morgan Freeman)
Sorry President Obama, Morgan Freeman was my first black president, and boy did he do a damn fine job! Never was there such an eloquent speaker, to reach the hearts of American voters. We join President Beck at one of the worst times in a Extinction Level Event. It is discovered that an asteroid is on a collision course with Earth. The governments of the world are initially able to keep it secret, in order to plan, prepare, and keep citizens calm. What better to calm you down than the soothing voice of Morgan Freeman. In the midst of global panic and chaos, President Beck is able to maintain control and help humanity survive. Any President who helps save the world deserves a spot in our hearts.
Speech Time! - Rebuilding A Nation
President Andrew Shepherd - An American President (Portrayed by Michael Douglas)
This presidential story starts, or at least is based, on a sad note. President Andrew Shepherd, played by Michael Douglas, is young and highly popular President who has suffered one of the greatest losses someone can know. The loss of a spouse. President Shepherd is "lonely widower" president, who has the job of being the leader of the free world, and a single parent. While approval ratings are soaring, President Shepherd meets Sydney Ellen Wade, played by Annette Bening. Their relationship begins on a volatile note as Sydney is trying to lobby for the President to push into law a fossil fuel bill, calling for a reduction in emissions. They strike a deal as political colleagues, but President Shepherd soon realizes their relationship is more than that. As their romance blossoms, the Republicans launch a vicious character attack, suggesting that he is unfit to be President, and should not be re-elected, due to his "lack of family values". It's a tough time for President Shepherd while he tries to balance his job and his love life. You won't find explosions or asteroids in this one, but you will get a meteor to the heart. Yes, this is a chick flick, but it's a good one...try it out with your best girl/guy tomorrow night.
Speech Time! - From The Heart
President James Marshall - Air Force One (Portrayed by Harrison Ford)
Pretty standard presidential story here. Terrorists hijack Air Force One, take the president and his family hostage, and fail because they are stupid terrorists and forget that Harrison Ford is the President. He'll kick your ass, regardless of his job title. Nothing more you could ask for in a President, than one who can directly put a boot in the ass of terrorist. The moral of the story, don't mess with the President's family.
Speech Time! - Short, But Sweet
President Dwayne Elizando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho - Idiocracy (Portrayed by Terry Crews)
He may not be the best President ever, but he sure is fun to watch! The five-time Ultimate Smackdown Champion and porn superstar is the leader of the country in a world gone dumb. Props to him for taking the initiative to appoint Not Sure to his cabinet, ultimately saving the world. Can't be all bad if you helped saved the world, right?
Speech Time! - Shit's Bad
President Thomas J. Whitmore - Independence Day (Portrayed by Bill Pullman)
Possibly the most badass President of all time. There I said it. Before being elected as the youngest President in history, he was already a hero, serving as fighter pilot in the Gulf War. His greatest challenge was still to come in the form of big, ugly aliens, set on total annihilation. Despite the great odds against him, he rallied what was left of the U.S. Military, and other militaries around the world in the largest, cross-nation, coordinated offensive ever. With troops in short supply, President Whitmore himself, jumps back in a fighter jet, to take down alien scum. Saving the entire world is a hard business, but President Whitmore never gave up, and we will never forget him for that.
Speech Time! - Best. Speech. Ever
President Arnold Schwarzenegger - The Simpsons Movie (Portrayed by Harry Shearer)
Welp, this is the only chance we are going to have, to see President Schwarzenegger in this country! Yes, he was in fact quite terrible, and his actions almost led to the complete destruction of the lovely town of Springfield. That's it. He was bad. His pass is that he's freakin' Arnold Schwarzenegger and can defeat an entire terrorist army with his bare hands. Done. Game Over.
Speech Time! - A Simple Man
Want a President as cool as these? The only way to do that is to go out and vote! Just do it, people!
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